Pest Netting & Mesh Insect Control Bio Security Quarantine Vegie Net Horticulture Covers

Black Plastic

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Mulch Film (1.2m wide, 1.5m wide, 1.67m wide)

Hortitech Mulch Film offers an impervious layer to suppress weeds and has the ability to conserve water. Some specialised mulch films can also act as a barrier when fumigating the soils. Coloured mulch films can also be beneficial for some crop varieties.

Typically, Mulch Film is used for weed management, and to increase soil temperature to boost rapid root growth. It retains moisture in the soil and reduces the leaching of fertiliser and soil compaction. A benefit is earlier planting resulting in improved crop quality.


Hortitech Polyflute are UV-stabilised 4mm thick sheets, consisting of two joined sheets connected by vertical ribs. Polyflute is often used as a vent or door in Greenhouses.

Panda Film (Black/White Plastic) (200μm 8m wide, 12m wide)

Hortitech Panda Film Black & White Plastic is a watertight, light reflective, heavy-duty and hard-wearing film that is ideal for use lining the walls and floors of Greenhouses, growrooms or as pond lining.

The white surface reflects light from the floor back into the foliage of crops. The black underside layer stops light reaching the soil beneath, which prevents weed and algae growth.

The waterproofing properties of Panda Film prevents ground moisture and soil-borne diseases rising from beneath, penetrating the floor and raising the humidity in the growing area. Run-off from crops can easily be contained and directed to nearby drains.

When used in an indoor growroom situation, sheets of Panda film can be taped together with heavy duty tape to fully line the walls, roof and floor. This provides a waterproof lining and has a cooling effect. When artificial HID lighting is used (for commercial seedling production) the Panda Film reflects all available light back into the crop for maximum energy efficiency, this is also ideal for covering windows so no light can enter or escape.

600mm wide Panda film can also be used as a cheap NFT gully instead of using the more expensive & durable rigid PVC gully. Panda Film is commonly used for growing NFT tomatoes, capsicums etc. Simply lay in rows on a gently sloping floor and place capillary matting down the centre. Fold the two sides of the film up and around your seedlings and clip them to a horizontal cross wire. The nutrient solution is then pumped into one end of the row where it flows down the slope towards the catchment area at the other end.

Thermal Screens Climate Control Cloth

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Trusted by Aussies for nearly 40 years, Hortitech is the market leader in the supply of Greenhouses and Crop Cover Protection Solutions to the Horticulture Industry.

Specialising in the design, manufacture and install of Greenhouses throughout Australia, no job is too big. Get in touch today to see how we can assist you in providing the best crop cover protection solutions for producing the finest quality crops all-year round.